What the Chipmunk Told Me

“Hello, chipmunk,” I said.

The chipmunk blinked,

her cheeks full.

Then she nodded.


And scampered away.

I sat back,

watched her go.

I think she lives

near the neighbor’s drainpipe,

where water whooshes down

from the gutters

in a torrent

when it rains.

I wondered about her then—

is she ever in danger of

being flooded out?

While I was wondering this,

she appeared again,

cocked her head and said,

“I thought you’d never notice.”

“Notice?” I asked.

“I notice you every day

pouching leftover birdseed.”

“I thought you would never

notice enough

to address me.”

She smiled—

I swear she smiled—

“And now that you have,”

she cleared her throat,

“I will tell you

what I think.”


I leaned closer.

“I think you should worry less

and notice




Nurture peace, cultivate kindness, and carry the calm.


Nature of the week:

Shadow of the week:

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Text and photos © 2024 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.