Part of the Music


“Moments of silence are part of the music.”

– Anonymous –


In music, moments of rhythmic silence are called rests. But rest also means “peace of mind or spirit.” I wondered if the word restore had the same linguistic origin as rest, but it doesn’t. And yet they are related in a sense. Restore means to renew, rebuild, and give back, which is what rest does for us—it renews us, rebuilds our spirits, and gives back our energy. Rest, our moments of silence and peace of mind, are necessary for the rhythms of our lives. Rest is part of life’s music.

Wishing you good rest this week.

Nurture peace, cultivate kindness, and carry the calm.


Nature of the week:

Shadow of the Week:


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Text and photos © 2021 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.

As Long as it Wants to Talk


“Nobody started it,

nobody is going to stop it.

It will talk as long as it wants, this rain.

As long as it talks I am going to listen.”

Thomas Merton


Nurture peace, cultivate kindness, and carry the calm.


Nature of the week:

Shadow of the Week:

If you want me to send these thoughts to your email each Sunday, simply sign up on the right.

Text and photos © 2021 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.

The Wisdom of Water Lilies


On a walk at the zoo last week, I crossed a boardwalk bridge and noticed an elegant white waterlily blooming on the river below. Water lilies look as if they’re floating on the surface of the water, but they’re held in place by stems that extend under the water to a rhizome buried in the mud below. It seemed like a symbol of calm and serenity. I thought of how each of us, like a water lily, can root ourselves in the unseen, peaceful flow of life deep in our souls so that what is seen of our lives is a beautiful bloom.

Nurture peace, cultivate kindness, and carry the calm.


Nature of the week:

Shadow of the Week:


If you want me to send these thoughts to your email each Sunday, simply sign up on the right.

Text and photos © 2021 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.

Quietly and Clearly


“Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,

and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible without surrender

be on good terms with all persons.

Speak your truth quietly and clearly;

and listen to others.”

– Max Ehrmann, “Desiderata”


Curious about the word placid, I looked it up and found that it means “serenely free of disturbance.” That’s what “carry the calm” means to me: It’s possible to make our way through noise and haste with our souls serenely free of disturbance.

Nurture peace, cultivate kindness, and carry the calm.


Nature of the week:

Shadow of the Week:


If you want me to send these thoughts to your email each Sunday, simply sign up on the right.

Text and photos © 2021 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.