The Song of All-is-Done


A steady swish and swash

whispers from the dishwasher.

The tide of soap and water

swiftly ebbs and flows

with white noise,

the song of all-is-done,


no more urgency of

clattering silverware,

clinking dishes,

stirring peppers and potatoes,

cracking eggs,






All is done for the day.

I sit by lamplight,

cat in my lap,

book open to the next chapter

to read,

to rest,

to doze to the song of the sea

in a box

and imagine that I’m at the ocean,

waves shushing me,

wind feathering my hair,

my toes in the sand,

leaving footprints as I stroll

along the shore.

This evening,

listening to the swashing song

of day-is-done,

I stroll the shore of my thoughts.

Perhaps even here,

I will leave footprints.

– kh –


Nurture peace, cultivate kindness, and carry the calm.


Nature of the week:

Shadow of the Week:

If you want me to send these thoughts to your email each Sunday, simply sign up on the right.

Text and photos © 2023 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.