The Salty Spray of Memory



all the wrong choices I’ve made

come at me like a returning tide.

With the force of a wall of water,

they hit me full in the face,

wave after


threatening to drown me in


It’s all I can do to keep my footing

on this rocky beach

and let it wash over me.

For it will wash over—

I’m familiar enough with this

edge of the ocean

to know that much.

The tide that comes in will


and I will find that I am still standing,

God only knows how,



I stand in the sunlight of grace,

drip dry,

breathe the salty spray of memory

deeply in,

deeply out

until my breath comes without


Peace returns

with the hope that

as long as I am still standing,

still breathing,

then with grace,

with peace,

with love,

I can


turn the tide.


Nurture peace, cultivate kindness, and carry the calm.


Nature of the week:

Shadow of the week:

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Text and photos © 2024 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.