“Hospitality is . . .
the creation of a safe, inviting, trustworthy space
– an atmosphere as much as a place.”
– Krista Tippett* –
Nourish peace, cultivate loving kindness, and carry the calm into your gatherings with family and friends. May you yourself be a safe inviting, trustworthy space. May you be hospitality.
Nature of the week – sun through leaves creates a stained-glass window effect:

Shadow of the Week – morning shadows on my kitchen blinds:

If you want me to send these thoughts to your email each week, simply sign up on the right.
For my posts on coming of age in a community of faith, link here.
*From On Being‘s Civil Conversations project, which I highly recommend.
Text and photos © 2016 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.
In Nature’s Cathedral