For a Day Born New


Good morning, bird,


somewhere outside my open window.

The breeze is carrying your tune

to my drowsy, waking ears.

How long have you been singing

your wake-up song?

Are you a bluebird?

A wren?

A cardinal?

I am not attuned to the differences—

not yet.

No matter.

You are a consummate singer

of carefree song,

melody for a day born new.

The gift of your music

invites me to rise

and breathe deeply of dawn.

Perhaps I, too, will sing.



Nurture peace, cultivate kindness, and carry the calm.


Nature of the week:

Shadow of the week:

If you want me to send these thoughts to your email each Sunday, simply sign up on the right.

Text and photos © 2024 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.

Waking to Snow


Waking to snow,

deep quiet,

feathered flakes,

whispers of wind,

and no one going anywhere.

Time pauses,

takes a break.

Why was I rushing around

all these days past?

What was the hurry, the worry?

Plans have now shifted,

busy has been put on hold.

My old clock softly ticks,

keeping time.

Really, dear clock?

Keeping time?

You keep it only long enough to measure its


and before you can tick again, it’s


And yet, this morning,

time is asking to be kept,



in this white cocoon,

this quiet tiptoe of a morning

waking to snow.


Nurture peace, cultivate kindness, and carry the calm.


Nature of the week:

Shadow of the week:

If you want me to send these thoughts to your email each Sunday, simply sign up on the right.

Text and photos © 2024 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.

The Sacrament of Waking


In the drift of easing from night dreams

into the gift of a new dawn,

there exists a pause,

a delicious time,

a handful of moments,

the day reborn in peace.

This handful of half-waking minutes

is a carrier,

a courier,

an envoy of the sacred—

a sacrament.

In the fraying fog of waking,

I feel my fragile frame,

my trusting weight generously held,

graciously cradled,

between blanket and bed,

between heaven and earth.

This moment is a silver bowl

holding silent prayers

measured in heartbeats,

whispered in slow, easy breaths.

In a handful of half-awake minutes,

time touches eternity.

– kh –


Nurture peace, cultivate kindness, and carry the calm.


Nature of the week:

Shadow of the Week:

If you want me to send these thoughts to your email each Sunday, simply sign up on the right.

Text and photos © 2023 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.

Never Ever Before


I’ve always been this way, I say,

and yet,

I haven’t always been this way—

not exactly,

not this unique and particular way,

living another day

with its unique and particular thoughts

and wanderings

and wishings

and astonishments.

I’ve not always been aware

of ideas I read

last night,

sparking questions I’ve asked

this morning.

Each new dawn

marks a waking

to wider wondering,

deeper thinking,

and the joy of possibility.

I’ve always been like this.

But not precisely like this.

I’ve always been made new

each day.

It has always been this way.

Yet it has never ever

been this way


– kh –


Nurture peace, cultivate kindness, and carry the calm.


Nature of the week:

Shadow of the Week:

If you want me to send these thoughts to your email each Sunday, simply sign up on the right.

Text and photos © 2023 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.

Like a New-Opened Flower


And if tonight my soul may find her peace

in sleep, and sink in good oblivion,

and in the morning wake like a new-opened flower

then I have been dipped again in God, and new-created.

– D.H. Lawrence, “Shadows”


May you sleep in peace and wake like a new-opened, new-created flower.

Nurture peace. Cultivate kindness. Carry the calm.


Nature of the week:

Shadow of the Week:

If you want me to send these thoughts to your email each Sunday, simply sign up on the right.

Text and photos © 2020 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.

At Our Waking


Lord of all hopefulness, Lord of all joy,

Whose trust, ever childlike, no cares could destroy,

Be there at our waking, and give us, we pray,

Your bliss in our hearts, Lord, at the break of the day.

Jan Struther

“All Day Hymn”


Wishing you bliss today and throughout the week.

Nurture peace, cultivate kindness, and carry the calm.

Nature of the week – at Cheekwood Botanical Gardens:

Shadow of the Week:


If you want me to send these thoughts to your email each Sunday, simply sign up on the right.

For my posts on life and the wonder of it all, link here.


Text and photos © 2018 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.