Simple and Sacred


“The art of art,

the glory of expression…

is simplicity.”

Walt Whitman


It’s the simple things that nourish me. My grandson’s smile. The laughter of friends. A pepper turning red on the vine. The dance of leaves in a breeze on a hot day. The sun shining red through a broad canna leaf. The scent of citronella leaves at the back door. The prickly center of a coneflower. Smooth, sweet coconut yogurt. The chirring of a wren as it guards its nest box. Simple, sacred gifts, each a wonder of art and glory, each an invitation to joy and peace.

Nurture peace, cultivate kindness, and carry the calm.


Nature of the week:

Shadow of the Week:


If you want me to send these thoughts to your email each Sunday, simply sign up on the right.

Text and photos © 2021 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.

Rest and Be Thankful


“Give me the splendid silent sun,

with all his beams full-dazzling;

Give me juicy autumnal fruit, ripe

and red from the orchard;

Give me a field where the

unmow’d grass grows;

Give me an arbor, give me the trellis’d grape;

Give me fresh corn and wheat – give me

serene-moving animals, teaching content.”

– Walt Whitman –


“Rest and be thankful.”

– William Wordsworth –


Nurture peace, cultivate loving kindness, carry the calm, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Nature of the week:

Shadow of the Week:


If you want me to send these thoughts to your email each Sunday, simply sign up on the right.

For my posts on life, faith, and the mystery we call God, link here.


Text and photos © 2017 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.