“Already it is October, and the wind blows strong to the sea
from the hills where snow must have fallen,
the wind is polished with snow.”
– D.H. Lawrence, “Butterfly” –
The shifty wind
swirls with stories –
a girl’s kite plucked high,
a beachcomber’s hair ruffled,
a gardener’s hat tossed into the rose bush,
a cafe awning dismantled,
a dog’s nose kissed.
Secret stories
shared with the wind.
“Here’s a hint,”
it whispers,
brushing past
polished with snow,
laden with rain,
woven with wood smoke.
Hush. Hush.
Listen. Listen.
It’s your story too.
Again from D.H. Lawrence: “[T]he wind blows strong . . . from the hills where snow must have fallen, the wind is polished with snow.” How beautiful it would be if people who meet us could say, “She lives strong in a place where calm must have settled. Her spirit is polished with peace.”
Nourish peace, cultivate loving kindness, and carry the calm.
Nature of the week – looking up and up and up:

Shadow of the Week, dripping over stone:

Text and photos © 2016 Karyn Henley. All rights reserved.
For my posts on coming of age in a community of faith, link here.